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Creamy Cheese Sauce

Can we say it one more time… creamy cheese sauce? Oh, yes, it is good on almost anything. It is good on pasta, over steamed vegetables or any type of potato. Pour it over meatloaf or on a veggie burger. By using Massel as part of this sauce, you cut the fat and calories substantially. It is also prepared in less than 10 minutes.  This is one of those recipes that you will cook over and over again, because you are going to want it on hand to kick up anything you are serving. Leftover sauce is easily heated up in the microwave.

Need some inspiration on what to use our Creamy Cheese Sauce with? We’ve got you covered…

Black Bean Soup

(Serves: 2-4)

  • 500ml/2 cups of Massel Vegetable Liquid Stock or 2 Massel Vegetable Stock Cubes or 2 teaspoons of Massel Vegetable Stock Powder or Massel Chicken Style Stock Powder
  • 2 tablespoons butter or vegan butter
  • 2 tablespoons rice flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk or soy milk
  • ½ cup shredded cheese or a vegan cheese

Mix water, milk, and Massel stock together. If using stock cubes or powder, heat gently stirring, until warm and cubes or powder have dissolved. Set aside.

In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat until it bubbles, whisk flour into butter and stir while cooking. You will start to smell a smell like popcorn.

Add milk mixture to the saucepan and whisk as it thickens slowly. Add nutmeg. As it thickens add cheese.

When cheese is melted take the sauce off the heat, taste and adjust seasoning.

Mix with pasta, vegetables, or however you would like to use it.

Massel products used in this recipe:
3/5 (3 Reviews)

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