Scalloped Potatoes
Make these potatoes in any size casserole dish you have whether it is an individual ramekin or a huge dish that will feed a dozen for a party. After this dish is cooked, it holds its heat well, making it ideal for serving a crowd. You can use any root vegetable that you prefer… carrots, parsnips, squash and any type of potato. Make it your own family favourite.
- 1 cup of Massel Chicken Stock using 1 Massel 7's Chicken Style Stock Cube
- 1 (or more according to potato quantity) teaspoon of Massel Vegetable Stock Powder
- Potato, thinly sliced (Use whatever root vegetable that you prefer)
- Onion, thinly sliced
- AP Flour/Gluten-Free AP Flour
- Butter/Vegan butter
Choose desired size casserole dish. Butter sides and bottom of pan. Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F.
Layer sliced potatoes in a single layer on the bottom of pan.
Layer sliced onions over the potatoes.
Sprinkle with flour over the layered potato and onion slices
Pat butter in small amounts over entire dish.
Sprinkle with a little of Massel Vegetable Stock Powder.
Repeat layers until pan is full.
Pour warm Massel chicken stock over potatoes until you see it coming up the sides and is even with the top layer.
Place dish on a sheet pan, in case there is broth bubbling over. Place in oven for about an hour. For smaller dishes, start checking earlier.
Pull from oven when you see it bubbling even in the middle and it is golden brown on top.
Let rest 10-20 minutes before serving to cool down a bit. (This is the hardest part…waiting for delicious food.)