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Post by Elizabeth Schuler

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December 18, 2014

How to cook dried beans from scratch in under an hour

A blog post by Massel chef Elizabeth Schuler Sheila and I have been friends for a while. We met through our sons.   We stood there on the first day of kindergarten waving goodbye to our sons, who didn’t even look back, as they walked into class. Trying not to cry, we decided to go for […]

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December 08, 2014

Decorating for the Holidays

A blog post by Massel Chef Elizabeth Schuler I love when my house is decorated for the holiday season, but I dread hauling all those boxes from the basement and getting it all on display. Nearly always, someone ends up with a bodily injury: bloody cuts from paper or ornament hooks or thumbs bashed when […]

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November 09, 2014

The tale of two chicken soups

A blog post by Massel Chef, Elizabeth Schuler I keep checking my phone app to see if his plane is still on time. When I am not checking, my son, Gabriel, is checking. We haven’t seen Andrew in almost a year. Any visit from my oldest son is always special because he lives on the […]

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October 22, 2014

Real fast food for the end of a hectic day

A blog post by Massel Chef Elizabeth Schuler I know that hectic days are part of life, so why do I keep thinking that they should feel more routine, or at least that I shouldn’t feel so tired at the end of them. But I do, I feel exhausted and spent. My son is finally […]

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October 08, 2014

Give your kids wonderful food memories

A blog post from Massel Chef Elizabeth Schuler When my mom made scalloped potatoes and ham during my childhood it was an event because it was simply everyone’s favorite. I knew I would have to eat fast if I wanted to have a second helping of the creamy potatoes with slices of country ham cooked […]

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October 01, 2014

Quick gluten-free Potluck Recipes

A blog post by Massel Chef Elizabeth Schuler It is amazing how a day can take a direction that you do not expect. After I heard a big snap, I ran outside to see the excitement. One neighbor’s cable got cut by another neighbor’s chain saw during an enthusiastic back yard tree removal. Oops! Much […]

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