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Sustainable Eating
2017 is undeniably the year of sustainable and organic eating. In a world where whole foods are taking priority, home cooks and chefs alike are looking to become more environmentally conscious in their food prep practices. This awareness stems from consumers taking an active interest in how and where their foods are produced, and the way in […]
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Meat
What’s the trend and should YOU give it a try? As more people swap out meat for plant-based diets and cruelty-free alternatives, take a look at how vegan meat-replacements are making themselves known, from burgers and meatballs to sausages. Why vegan meats? And why now? People are becoming increasingly aware of what they’re putting into their bodies, and far more interested […]
All About Being Vegan
Vegan is a word that’s been thrown around a lot more in the past few years. Even while a myriad of individuals have shaken up their diets in the name of veganism, it’s still largely misunderstood. So, this begs the question, “What’s it all about?” What is a vegan? According to PETA, a vegan is someone who “does […]
Easter Treats & What to Eat
Easter is that time of year where everywhere you look, there seems to be something related to chocolate staring back at you. And while we can’t deny it tastes great, eating too much of the sweet stuff can make you fill pretty sick after a while! We wanted to have a look at how we […]
The Rise of Veganism & Going Back to Whole Foods
We’ve all heard the words ‘vegan,’ ‘whole foods,’ ‘organic’ and ‘locally/naturally grown’ thrown around a lot lately. Not only that, we have also seen a significant shift in the grocery landscape with many people preferring to buy foods that are naturally or organically grown more so over processed foods. But why exactly is this so popular nowadays? […]
So, What’s Up with Vegan?
What do you think of when you think vegan? Hippies with salads? Animal rights protests? Naysaying all the best restaurants? All common misconceptions. Like many things falling outside the general zeitgeist, veganism is a smidge different than it’s perceived. Though animal rights remains the main motivator for choosing, and maintaining, a vegan lifestyle, that’s not the end of […]
The Difference Between Healthy and Nutritious
A majority of the time, people confuse healthy foods with being high in nutrition. However, there is a difference between a food being healthy and a food being nutritious. Sure, a food can be both at once, but that’s not always the case. Google defines nutritious as nourishing and efficient as food. It defines healthy as promoting […]
How to Survive a BBQ: Vegan Style
Living a vegan lifestyle can be extremely challenging, especially as barbecue season is right around the corner. While others enjoy their favorite summer eats, vegans are tasked with the difficult mission of finding something to meet their dietary needs. Healthful, fulfilling, and most importantly, delicious meal substitutions for vegans and their families are can seem […]
Shawna Coronado cooks vegan French Onion Soup with Massel
We’re delighted to see some of our favorite bloggers are taking part in Massel’s 31 days of Soup by making soups with Massel vegan bouillon. Shawna Coronado cooks up this sensational looking French Onion soup, and gives it a twist by making it completely vegan (as well as gluten-free). We love this soup even more […]
Vegan Yack Attack makes a sensational bisque with Massel vegan bouillon
Blogger Jackie Sobon has created an incredible soup recipe using Massel vegan bouillon over at her beautiful blog Vegan Yack Attack. Roasted Butternut Garlic Bisque with Grilled 3-Cheese Sandwich Sticks anyone? We’re first in line to try this amazing looking recipe. Jackie sent us a link to her post just before lunch, and these pictures […]
Shawna Coronado reviews Massel Vegan Bouillon
Illinois based blogger and green lifestyle evangelist Shawna Coronado has reviewed Massel Bouillon on her wonderful blog devoted to sharing great sustainable ideas. She uses Massel’s vegan bouillon in a sensational recipe for Baked Garlic Tomatoes with Crispy Kale. Shawna says: “My friends at Massel asked me to use their products to make some delicious […]
Healthy Slow Cooking loves Massel Concentrated Liquid Stock
Who’s cooking with Massel? Kathy Hester has created a wonderful Chilled Summer Squash Soup using Massel gluten-free bouillon on her beautiful blog Healthy Slow Cooking. Kathy says, “I love the idea of the liquid concentrate. You can add a bit to a soup, veggie burgers or anywhere else that could use an extra dash of […]