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April 13, 2017

Easter Treats & What to Eat

Easter is that time of year where everywhere you look, there seems to be something related to chocolate staring back at you. And while we can’t deny it tastes great, eating too much of the sweet stuff can make you fill pretty sick after a while! We wanted to have a look at how we […]

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April 07, 2017

The Rise of Veganism & Going Back to Whole Foods

We’ve all heard the words ‘vegan,’ ‘whole foods,’ ‘organic’ and ‘locally/naturally grown’  thrown around a lot lately. Not only that, we have also seen a significant shift in the grocery landscape with many people preferring to buy foods that are naturally or organically grown more so over processed foods. But why exactly is this so popular nowadays? […]

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March 28, 2017

The Fresh Guide to Herbs

It’s time to get out in the garden by growing some must-have herbs. Ideal for adding that extra flavor to your favorite dish, we’ve compiled a list of what we think are the essential herbs for any successful foodie, as well as a couple of our favorite recipes to test them out!   Basil If you’re […]

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March 24, 2017

Growing And Harvesting Your Spring Veggies

Even though a lot of vegetables cannot be planted outside until the soil has properly heated up, there are still a variety that you can plant right now, and which can be harvested long before the summer vegetables come in. Depending on your local weather patterns and climate, cool season vegetables can be planted either directly in […]

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March 20, 2017

Succulently Savory: A Snacking List

Ah snacking- the word itself conjures up images of grabbing at bowls of chips, chocolate, and generally anything that is on hand that can be consumed quickly. The problem is that it is usually unhealthy foods that we tend to reach for when our appetite is ravenous and we cannot afford to wait an hour while a […]

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March 16, 2017

What’s In Store For Springtime: Appetizers, Sides and Dips

The winter chills (and the snow) are still hanging around but with daylight saving now in action, we can just taste that spring is in the air! With a warmer season means new flavors and new foods. If you’re wondering what kind of veggies to hunt for, this time of year is especially good for artichokes, […]

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January 22, 2017

Souped Up Meals and Starters

While we’re sad to see National Soup Month winding on down, it’s provided some audacious ideas to use all year round. It’ll be a few more months before we can maximize our enjoyment with colder soup varieties, but in the meantime, let’s take a look at some awesome ways to introduce all these new recipes to […]

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January 01, 2017

A Mom’s Guide to Healthy Snacking

It’s always the perfect time to snack! Whether if you’re a parent packing for a loved one, or getting ready for a tailgate party, there’s a surprising amount of thought that goes into snack packing – and there should be! Healthy bites throughout the day can help promote wakefulness, weight loss, memory, energy levels, and […]

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November 28, 2016

Top Trends in Entertaining this Holiday Season

Sometimes when we prepare holiday meals, the amount of time spent making it taste good eats into any time we have available for making it look good. This doesn’t mean that you need to create glazed, edible flowers and hardened parmesan cheese bowls for your Thanksgiving dinner, but presentation can make dishes appear more appetizing […]

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November 16, 2016

Key Pantry Staples for the Holiday Season

Ever had that moment of panic when guests show up unexpected and you don’t have anything prepared to feed them? Whether its the in-laws or a surprise from an out-of-town friend, not having something tasty to feed your guests is a downer. One way to prevent this is by having a kitchen pantry stocked full of versatile ingredients […]

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